Bonus & Discoveries

+ Back moxibustion

+20 min (30€)

Back moxibustion will help fight stress and pain, relaxing your muscles in a few seconds.

(Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese method that uses the heat generated by burning herbal preparations to stimulate acupoints).

+ anti-stress and/or anti-pain auriculotherapy

+20 min (30€)

Auriculotherapy is the manual and instrumental stimulation of acupuncture points located in the ears. This painless and relaxing treatment will help release tension and pain due to stress.

ears. This painless and relaxing treatment will help release tension and pain due to stress. (Auriculotherapy is recognized by WHO as an effective form of traditional medicine.)

+ anti-stress and/or anti-pain reflexotherapy

+20 min (30€)

Reflexotherapy is the manual and instrumental stimulation of acupuncture points located in the feet. This painless treatment will help in the relief of stress related aches and muscular tensions.

+ anti-stress and/or anti-pain faciotherapy

+20 min (30€)

Faciotherapy is the manual and instrumental stimulation of acupuncture points located in the face. This painless treatment will help in the relief of stress related aches and muscular tensions. It comes with a face and head massage with semiprecious stones (chosen specially for you).

+ EFT tapping points body massage against fatigue and anxiety

+20 min (30€)

Tapping points stimulation helps fight tiredness, pain, stress and anxiety. As with acupuncture and acupressure, tapping involves the body’s energy meridian points, which are a concept in Chinese medicine.

Tapping points massages are inspired by PBA (psycho bio acupressure) and EFT (emotional freedom technique) : 2 techniques to help you relax and clear your thoughts.

+ Tibetan singing bowls massage

+20 min (30€)

A massage performed with Tibetan Bowls.

The chants and vibrations of the Bowls will travel through your body, it will produce profound relaxation and bring you into a state of meditation.

Tibetan bowls originate from Tibet and Nepal. They are made of 7 different metals symbolizing 7 chakras and will then produce unique sounds and vibrations. It is said that their sound can heal your bodies ailments.


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